Having a successful boudoir session depends on how well you do your homework. Here are the top 5 questions you should ask when making an appointment for your next boudoir session.
1. Where will the session take place. Does the photographer work in a professional studio? Hotel room? Who will be in the room when the session is in progress.
2. What happens to the files once all is ordered and delivered? Are they archived? Are they deleted? Are they stored in a cloud or local drive?
3. How long will the session last and when will you be able to see the proofs.
4. What colors and outfits will look best on me.
5. What exactly is included in the session.
1 For Kiwi Kouture, we have over 1500 square feet of dedicated shooting space. You can also shoot in your house, or even we have access to a luxury hotel that is available for an extra minimum charge.
2 As for the files once we are done, we store them on a local drive that is encrypted and after a year, we delete them permanently.
3 For most sessions, we last about an hour. If you have time, you can stay and do your viewing and sales session immediately following. It could take up to 30 minutes to prep but you can sit back and relax and have a glass of wine.
4 Once you made your deposit, we have a page that will give you ideas and tips for making the color composition perfect for your session.
5 Included in the session fee, is your time in the studio, our talent and snacks and wine. Hair and make up is separate but you are always welcome to do your own, or bring your own artist.