Doing a boudoir session can boost your esteem immensely. The clothes, shoes, jewelry, and hair and make up are all tools that can bring you up a notch in your self opinion.
For the first thing, you will see yourself in a new perspective. When I am culling thru the images, I like to bring out the one that I think you may NOT like along with the ones that are really good. After a quick pass in photoshop to remove a few imperfections, it is amazing to see the how my client can view in a new light.
Taking the product home and viewing thru them over a few times, you will learn to love yourself where as you were only finding fault with yourself before. Looking and feeling good about yourself is treat to the psyche. I am hoping that women will cheer themselves on and root for the final result being one that they will treasure their lifetime. It should be a catherdic moment when they switch their train of thought from, "I regret these times of my life with an older, less perfect body" to a "looking great and loving myself in this time of my life".
After the session, you will see that you, "wow!" You had the courage to go thru with this and stepped up to the plate. Pushed yourself out of that zone of comfort and exposed your inner beauty along with the reality of your body. Every woman that comes in, first feels intimidated. By the time I have shown you that you can break out of that mind set of looking dowdy or lumpy, you will allow your mind to take you to a level of comfort that will make that session a success.
With the new body acceptance in the marketing world, such as Dove soap ads and clothing retailers firing the size 0 models that eat celery all day, the truth and trick into being beautiful, is to build your self esteem and believe that you are beautiful. Once you see yourself a beautiful woman, you will believe it and it will be fact.
Now that you have the psyche tools, take the next step and make an appointment. Do this for yourself and celebrate Y O U !!!! Make this the year of you. Yes, you might give this as a gift to that special person but the secret is that it is really for you and you deserve this. Let him/her think it is all about them but Shhhhhhhh!
It's about you!